From Absorb to Zoom: An Alphabet of Actions in the Women's Art Library, my site-specific installation of digital prints with content derived from the Women's Art Library, is now on view in the Special Collections Reading Room (Rutherford Building) and in the Kingsway Corridor (Hoggart Building) at Goldsmiths College, through 30 March 2015.
In tandem with the project, I am inviting selected artists with documentation in the WAL archive to send me images of recent work to feature on this project blog.
London-based sculptor Alexandra Harley creates lively abstract works in wood, ceramic and stone. She describes her practice:
I use a variety of different materials -- mostly wood, but also stone, clay and paper -- to convey a sense of movement, animation and an expressed feeling of imbalance and unease in non-kinetic sculpture. The natural components of the materials inform the constructed sculptures.
Tia, fired clay, cable ties, 2014, h: 9 cm |
Bisig, wood, 2012, height 63 cm |
I am inspired by trying to capture movement in the natural world, including the moving figure. I try to encapsulate a combination of movements rather than just a static pose, stretching, twisting, pushing and pulling...
Cerbo, granite, 2014, h: 64 cm |
Streccan, wood, h: 37cm |
Although the 'movement' in the sculpture is not literal, the sculpture is not static, either in its feel or in its subject matter. I remain firmly committed to a personal expression that encompasses and embraces the use of physical materials.
Pangwe, fired clay, copper wire, painted, 2014, h: 14 cm |